Friday, September 28, 2012

Dirty Thirty

It is almost upon us, my thirtieth birthday. As of Monday, I will have lived for 30 years. It feels like 50! I'm excited because everyone I've talked to has told me that 30-40 is full of self confidence, and ridding yourself of the petty nonsense that troubled you in your 20's. I'm ready to shed all that guilt, body image hang ups, etc.

I'm not delusional, I know there will still be many issues to come. I feel like now, though, I'm officially ready to look back down the hill I've climbed and say goodbye. Maybe even set a few bridges on fire.

The highlight of my twenties was of course, my daughters. Having a child is like realizing that you've had hibernating super powers your whole life. It's as close to a spiritual experience as I've ever (and probably will ever) have.

The other highlight was meeting the group of people that I now count as family, including the gentleman who's blog I've hijacked, and Brett, the one I'm raising my children with. I don't know how I survived so long without friends. They are, as I've said, the family that I feel I've been able to hand pick, and they are my backbone.

So here's to it! Let's drink to:

-new journeys
-no nonsense
-elminating toxic people and environments
-letting go of self hatred
-believing that we are deserving of all the wonderful things that exist and are to come
-no longer hiding emotionally from people that want to love us

This is more than a birthday post. This is me saying that I am ready for what's next. Are you?


1 comment:

Natorade said...

YES! I'm ready! Onward, ho! (The pioneer ho, not you sweetie)