Friday, January 22, 2010

Another Day, Another .60 Cents After Taxes

Should I be writing at the moment? The spirit says no, but the flesh has taken Codeine cough syrup and thinks it might be a good idea. I have been on the trail to finding myself a better job with (dare I utter it) benefits. The benefits I have been used to be me going to work and my boss paying me. I have applied to Wells Fargo, Costco, and a myriad of online Admin. positions (none of which have communicated so much as a go to hell.) I think I might swallow my unwarranted pride and just work for Costco. Apparently, even if you're part time, you get medical and dental. Being as I just received a bill from the hospital’s Emergency Room for $753.00, I could use a benefit or two. I have been trying to network and interview select people with my similar career choice to both, try and listen to the inner workings of the field, and to build a repertoire of contacts that will hopefully get me an amazing job in the future. My father always says don’t ever confuse effort with results. Well, I have been putting forth more effort in this than I normally do anything and haven’t really seen much of it. I keep trying to be positive and think to myself, I’m laying a foundation of a future career. It just seems so far away when little French men are calling you about your Citi card that I would have sworn in front of God and everyone that you paid off. But enough of the daily grind (that fills my life to the brim currently,) I have been recently reminded of how many good friends I have spread about the country. I have this desire inside of me to move and relocate. Maybe it’s the craving to start a new life where I don’t owe anyone anything and can go to Starbucks when I have a free moment with a friend. Day dreams of exotic locales seem to slip in between my thoughts more and more often and I can understand, even just a fragment, of those who went through tough economic times and their need for an escape. Speaking of which, there are so many good movies coming out in theaters now. I treated myself to Avatar in 3D the other day. Could I afford it? No. But I think that made it just a little bit better, like a eating the most beautiful wedding cake. There’s a slight feeling of guilt and a renewal of some deep childlike feeling of mischief. Oh well. Only forwards and upwards! Song of the day is Girls Just Want To Have Fun by Greg Laswell (look it up, you wont regret it.)

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