Friday, November 14, 2008

Another Day... slept through

So I woke up today at 4:45, which is more than just sad, it's really frustrating. All I wanted to do today was go to class and clock in to work and feel that satisfaction of belonging and doing my best. My alarm clock robbed me from that today. Well, I shouldnt blame the alarm clock being as I hit snooze twice and possibly canceled the alarm entirely. I have no idea what I am going to do winter semester. I really just want to stay here and find an amazing job, eventhough I do love american eagle. I just can't make that little unless I find free housing. Just another thing I'm trying to fold and tuck into the back of my head. I swear I need more storage back there. I'm on this new music phase of just really calm almost folk music. I just discovered Patty Griffin and if she wasnt so old I just might have married her. Well, with semsester in shambles, I think I might have a big chunk of time on my hands. I really hope not being as I got a nice Pell grant for this next spring semester and I really just need one semester off. I've been here since January for pete's sake. Anyways, I don't want this blog to turn whiney so I'm cutting this short and going to work out... for once. : )

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cast me gently into the morning, for the night has been unkind

I feel like this blog is like that one sock that somehow made it halfway under the bed and even though I vaguely know it still exists, I'd rather not do anything with it. Well I guess thats what 4:30am is for. I was thinking today about all the little things I do that make me, as my mother would put it, special. Some of them is if I see a blinking digital clock or seconds left unspent on the microwave I have to clear them out or set the clock to the right time. This isn't just a one time thing, it drives me nuts. It got me thinking, why? What is embedded deep inside me that makes this irritable. I found after late night meditation, that it must be that I need closure. Closure from anything really. My life is so full of open wounds left for time to heal, but really just festering. It's nice to be able to correct the things I can.