Thursday, October 18, 2012

The wheels in my head go 'round and 'round

    In an effort to save money (a repetative and required event in most of our lives), I decided at the beginning of the semester to ride the public bus everyday to school. This saved me from potentially spending $500.00 on a campus parking pass. Can you believe that is how much one parking pass costs?! I couldn't bear to pay that much, regardless of how close I would be, but I'm having second thoughts. 
    My adventures, as I would like to optimistically call them, on Public Transport have been anything but enjoyable.  I have had jobs serving the "salt of the earth" type people, where your average joe was at the poverty line, one that I was accustomed to for a couple years myself.  At the time, I was a gas station attendant at a locally owned rural country town station where most of the people coming in were minimum wage locals and ranch hands.  I surprisingly loved my time there.  I had the opportunity to meet some of the toughest people I know, and they all shared a common brotherhood and sense of humor. Riding the bus, however, is much different.  I do not want to make too many generalizations, due to the fact that I don't know the in's and out's of these people's lives, how they got to where they are now, or what they do with their days, but it appears as if everyone hates their lives.  If they look happy, it is because they are drunk or on a drug of some sort and should be avoided.  If they are angry, they are extremely volatile and unpredictable and should be avoided.  I saw a man punch another man because he ate his last piece of gum instead of giving it to the other.  To someone who hasn't seen the events I witness everyday, it may come across as being pretentious or judgemental, but to one present, they may start to agree with my observations. 
   I usually put up with the haughty glances speared my way, due to my ironed button up shirt or my phone, but I'm quickly becoming more hardened to the bus riders of Albuquerque.  Just as I don't tell someone seemingly sketchy looking "No you can't have a dollar because you'd just spend it on alcohol," don't you dare look at me like I'm some parent funded billionaire who hates everyone who is a different color.  It bugs me that when I am asked for spare change and I reply "No, I don't carry any cash, sorry," they look at me like yeah, yeah I've heard that before. 
   First and foremost, I want to apologise to Mr. Bum for lying to him. I, in fact, do not carry any cash, but I am not sorry and I will tell you why.  There are just under 75 programs here in the Metro area of Albuquerque alone; Programs that will feed, clothe, bathe, and sustain you until you get back up on your feet.  There are drug rehabilitation programs for someone with nothing, someone with a little in their pockets, and the wealthy.  There are programs that will build you a sustainable lifestyle and help anyone out (regardless of homeless status) with just about anything.  So when you come up to me, someone who works every day and goes to school, busting my butt to attain a better lifestyle and who is broke because of it, pardon me if I don't give you one of the last 3 dollars in my bank account (true story $3.17).  Sure "its for the bus," but why do you think I am out here with you? Why do you think that I chose to wait the extra time every day and be looked down upon by people who assume they know my life?  At risk of sounding like a Jerry Springer episode here, I'm going to sum up the fact that I don't think I will give anyone accosting me for a dollar any money.  Sorry if you truly need a dollar to ride the bus, I can refer you to a program that can give you a free pass (that we probably pay for anyways).  I'm just fed up with people talking about me, two seats away, like I can't hear them, and not giving me the same considerations I give them.  I'm sorry that you probably made poor life decisions to put you where you are sitting right now.  I am sorry that we live in a world with no go backs, but you have today, you have yourself, and you have the ability to take personal responsibility for your own decisions.  Make a change, don't ask for some. BAM! That's tee shirt worthy material.

If anyone is curious about what programs we have available or if you have a wild urge to volunteer, let me know and I can get localized info to you.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Winter is Coming

When I get upset I call house rules on no paragraph necessary. Don't judge.

When it comes to workspace politics, I wash my hands of it.  I wasn't born with a scheming mind on how to blame my mistakes on others or ways to self-promote at the expense of others.  I was always brought up to own your mistakes, and work as a team to help others.  Apparently, I am one of us rare few that aren't snakes when it comes to moving up in the workplace.  I feel like Ned Stark of The Game of Thrones, and my head is on the theoretical chopping block because I don't put up with games, people who play them, or hiding any of the two.  I call them as I see them and it makes people mad.  I will keep to myself unless someone starts messing with me or it is blatantly obvious that someone is being extorted.  Because of this, I have been called out and shamed for a couple minor mistakes when this same person I work with has repeatedly made errors, repeatedly come to me for help, and repeatedly complained to my boss about my mistakes.  I can't understand a person like this or how they can sleep at night, but one thing I know for sure is that you shouldn't mess with me.  Not for any violent or psychopathic reason (although tempting at this point) but because I will call you out, take ownership of my mistakes, and leave you trying to blame others for your own.  Problem is that this person is good, almost flawless at that game... so how do I fight back? Let me know what you think, because I'm lost.