Monday, July 30, 2012

Eat Mor Truth

Let me start out by stating that I don't have all the facts. I have only heard rumors of what really happened and one specific rumor stating that the whole jumbled controversy didn't hold water. So with that being noted, I have to throw in my own two cents about the dreaded Chic-fil-a issue. At first with the minimal amount of information I had, I was brandishing my pitchfork and getting my torch ready to burn every last chicken hut to the ground. However, after briefly browsing the issue and what was posted in the news I had a 180 degree turn on the whole thing.

To start, this is what I have heard to be true:

· Muppet toys were to be distributed in the Chic-fil-a equivalent to the happy meal.
· The CEO was asked what his stance on multiple subjects, including gay marriage.
· The CEO owning the rights to the Muppets took the payment given to them (payment for the Muppet toys) and gave it entirely to GLADD (Gays and Lesbians something something).
· Chic-fil-a then recalled all of the toys, claiming that they were unsafe even when there were no reported incidents involving the toys.
I have nothing, but respect for the CEO of Chic-fil-a for stating his point of view honestly when asked directly. I think especially in today's world of wishy washy values that just "go with the flow" of whatever is popular at the time, it is refreshing that someone is standing up for something.

Now while I think that it is absurd that gay couples don't have the same rights as straight couples do, this doesn't mean that the CEO of Chic-fil-a is an evil man. It means that he has an opposing viewpoint to my own. I can't get upset that he is using his free agency to choose a stand point just as I am using my own. I am so thankful that I can be with the one I love and not be afraid to let others know. That is just one of the reasons why I love America. I don't have to agree with him and he doesn't have to agree with me (but it would be nice if he did).

Now with that being said, I don't find it laudable to recall the Muppet toys (due to some alleged accidents that were never reported or recorded anywhere) after the proceeds were given to GLADD. I think that kind of undercut isn't Christ-like and actually polarizes people. This kind of division only perpetuates the struggles we face today and sets us (mankind) back a couple steps.

I have never been turned away from Chic-fil-a, no matter how big of a lisp I ordered in, and that right there is a sign that they aren't discriminating against me. I have never known any gay or lesbian who was denied their waffle fries and I even heard that they hire many gays and lesbians alike. So from where I am sitting, this was the opinion of one man (which doesn't even matter) that got blown out of proportion, to the point of his fast food chain being the symbol of hate towards gays everywhere. Let's all please take a step backwards, do a little homework and think with the left sides of our brains first.

Sure I know that they have given monetary contributions to organizations dubbed "anti-gay" as quoted in the following paragraph:

The fast food chain has taken heat in recent years for its political donations,    including $1.9 million to Exodus International, the National Christian Foundation, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the Family Research Council, the Marriage and Family Foundation, and the Georgia Family Council in 2010, according to a recent article in the Advocate.

Most of these Organizations are being villainized because of the fact that they don't agree with gay marriage due to a religious stance. THIS IS WHAT MAKES AMERICA GREAT. The ability to create private organizations like this and enjoy the similar freedoms is what is keeping my feet planted here. Do we (homosexuals) not have numerous organizations of our own where we can seek support to our own beliefs? Yet it has to be Good vs Bad from whichever side of the fence you're on. I don't get it. How can both sides be so pro love and acceptance only to hate and reject each other. I am so grossed out at this mess all in the name of love. Its a joke, but I could go on and on about that.

Finally, just to show that you never can trust a bunch of hear say, I have been reading that the whole thing wasn't even related to the Muppets, being as of 2004 when the CEO of the Jim Henson company sold the rights of the Muppets to Disney (who I guess still hasn't commented on the whole mess). So who even knows what the truth is.

My final point is even if the CEO of Chic-fil-a was skipping down the street with Rick Santorum (who I can safely say is one of the biggest douches I know of) that doesn't change the fact that he makes some damned good chicken (even if chicken little didn't have a beak and was tortured all of its life). If you're curious here's a link to a backed up source.